Friday 29 March 2013

This is what love is [4]

Grace surpassing all knowledge. 

Jesus life is and was a life beyond understanding. Why would someone come to this earth, just to die? But there was so much more to Jesus's life than just death. Before, he already could be found in the synagogue. This excellent student was eager to spend time studying the way to Life. Not just a way of life, but the only way to Life. Many religions do agree on a somewhere existing God or gods. Many religions do not agree on something else.

Where can you find grace?

What do you do after you have messed up? You try and hide the fact it happened? You try to pretend nothing much happened? What about shame, pain? If you want to move forward again, it draws you back. It lingers in the back of your mind. Your thoughts and ideas are shaped by this. You know it. God says, this is exactly why my son came to earth to die.

You are to die for.

When Jesus died, something extraordinary happened. He himself was sinless, shameless and he actually feared to take this on. But as we say, he took the weight of the world upon his shoulders. All our burden... it's his. All our mistakes and mess-ups... it's his. All our pain is His. Not because we are lovely people God wanted Him to die for us. God wanted Him to die for us, because Jesus, while wholly innocent and not to blame for anything in God's eyes, was the only one who could bear the punishment for our mistakes. And that is where:

Love comes kicking in.

Love is much more than a feeling. It is the feeling of attractiveness. But it also is the knowledge, the decision and mostly the faithfulness. God is all of this and want to be so much more to you still. Because, you see, if Jesus died on the cross (and he did, it's a historical fact), how does it affect your life? If he was punished on my behalf, it means that I can go free. I can go free! No fear to live, nor fear to die.... That gift called grace might be hard to grasp and likely even harder to unwrap. Letting go of my pride, earthly desires to expose own strength and beauty, and to know that I am so deeply loved.

Run freely.

Freedom to choose for the good or the bad. The beautiful or the ugly. But don't forget, decision-making is responsibility-taking. Do you want to carry on your mistakes from past and future? Keep calm. There's is a better solution to this. You can run freely. Compare it to a heavy item you carry, the rucksack of your life. At first we can be proud. Look at us! We are a Gucci. A Prada. An Eastpak. A Converse All Star. But after a while, the strings start getting loose. The zip breaks. We are worn out. The outside is just a cover. Inside the rucksack of our life we store many things and they get heavier each step we take. The love of God offers you an amazing deal. Cast your burden unto Jesus. He takes care of it. He already did. Indeed some 1983 years ago. But today he is spiritually living on inside of us, those who call themselves christians, pupils of Jesus Christ. Those who took on the deal to a lighter life. Not a life without problems, but a Life filled with power and love, strength and courage. Because with God our life is so much more. The burden of our failure has been taken away. We, though, still have the responsibility for our decisions. Whichever active or passive, decision lead to action.

I dare you to run freely.

God, you know I make so many mistakes still. I can try to improve my life, but all the effort goes to waste. Real change comes from the inside. I am hoping to live an inside-out life everyday of my life. When I see you, you change my heart completely. In the good and the bad, in you I can stand strong. Thank you for the love you have for me. It's only by the gift of grace you have given me - and which I need time after time again - I now am finally able to enjoy life to the full. The sky is not the limit when I am with you. You are all I can dream of and so much more.

Can I live this life beyond with you, Jesus?

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